Wednesday, December 07, 2016

The Power of Creative Visualization!

Creative Visualization will lead to success!  

Creative visualization is a very powerful tool that we all have access to it.

Some Facts:

In one of the most well known studies on Creative Visualization in sports, Russian scientists compared four groups of Olympic athletes in terms of their training schedules:

·      Group 1 had 100% physical training
·      Group 2 had 75% physical training with 25% mental training
·      Group 3 had 50% physical training with 50% mental training
·      Group 4 had 25% physical training with 75% mental training. 

The results showed that Group 4, with 75% of their time devoted to mental training, performed the best.

When you’re doing your own creative visualization keep in mind that it’s different from day dreaming.  Day dreaming is visualizing the future and it’s done in the third person.  Creative Visualization is done in  the present tense in the first person and you do it every day.  You visualize it as if it’s already true and focus on what your world is like now that you’ve achieved your desired goal. 

Why Does It Work?


Here are some reasons why creative visualization works:

1.      By repeating the same thoughts every day you subconsciously start taking the steps that will get you to your goal.

2.      When your thoughts create a strong emotion in you gives you the energy to take action.

3.     Your thoughts are like a magnet and they’ll attract similar thoughts and circumstances that will lead you to success.

How To Do It

1.      Set your goal:  Decide what it is you really want your life to look like and WRITE IT DOWN.  Write it down on paper and make it as detailed as possible.  Keep you goal somewhere where you’ll see it every day.

2.      Create a clear picture:  When you picture your goal picture it as though it has already happened in as much detail as possible. 

3.      Focus on it often and give it positive energy:  Every day focus on your goal – I suggest doing this first thing in the morning.  See it in as much detail as possible and make strong positive statements to yourself.  These are your affirmations and you need to do them daily.

Now Do It!

You have to power to reach any goal you want but you have to really want it and be willing to invest the time in creating it in your inner world first.  Thoughts turn into actions and the right actions turn into success – it’s up to you to invest in you so you can live the life you want!

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