Monday, December 12, 2016

Stop Winter Weight Gain!

Winter Weight Gain

Did you know that on average people gain 5-7 pounds over the winter!  That’s significant!  If you don’t get all that weight off you’re just going to be adding to it next winter and eventually your health is really going to take a turn for the worse!

The Facts

Some people put on weight due to Seasonal Affective Disorder.  This is a disorder that causes depression and really low energy in some people who are particularly sensitive to the lack of light during the winter.  If you suffer from this look for a good light boxThis has been shown to be quite effective.  

Most of us can’t blame depression for winter weight gain.  According to Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center, it happens because we eat more and move less during the winter months.

The Good News

We can do something about this!!!  This is within our control!  I’m not saying it’s easy but with a bit of discipline you can get through the winter without gaining weight.  I’ve got some tips for you J

Take A Stand!

Take a stand against foods that you know are bad for you.  Stay away from processed foods and foods with added sugar.  Don’t fall in the trap of eating low/no fat foods because it’s likely that they are loaded with sugar and/or chemicals.  Choose to eat real whole foods the majority of the time.  I say the majority of the time because if you feel like you’re depriving yourself it’s going to backfire on you if you try to do this 100% of the time.

Plan Your Indulgences!

What’s your favourite thing to indulge in?  Pick your favourite thing and then schedule your ‘Day to Indulge’.  Maybe you love Doritos – and who wouldn’t?  They’re DELICIOUS!!  Schedule your indulgence for once every 10 days, or maybe every third Sunday of the month.  Just pick a particular time and schedule it in your day timer.  When the day comes indulge without guilt!  Enjoy every second of it and get it out of your system.  Here’s the deal though: if you stray from clean eating before your ‘Day of Indulgence’ you don’t get your day.  You’ll have to wait for the next scheduled ‘Day of Indulgence’.  Chances are that once you’ve been eating clean for a while when you do have some ‘junk’ you’re going to feel so gross that you won’t really be as tempted by it anymore.


Surprise!  You’re going to have to keep moving your body if you want to keep the weight off.  Our bodies are designed to move – we feel better when we move, we’re more productive and we suffer fewer sick days!  You don’t have to go to the gym to get in a workout.  There are tons of Youtube videos with workout ideas as well as some really great at home programs you can do.  I run private Facebook groups for people who want to do an at home program and need accountability and motivation.  The program includes workouts that are 30 minutes long and a nutritional component.  Contact me if you want more details.

Let’s Do This!

Winter weight gain is not inevitable.  We have control over what happens to us but sometimes we need a bit of help exercising that control.  I’m here for you so if you need help please reach out to me!  I’m here for you when you’re ready for me :) 

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