Sunday, November 13, 2011

Killer Leg Routine

I love to train my legs and one look at them is proof of that!  Here's a killer leg routine that will sculpt every part of your legs as well as your butt.  Enjoy!

Warm-up 5-10 minutes

Starting position:  Stand tall, abs in, shoulders back and chest up (if you like you can hang onto a pair of dumbbells for this routine, but it's probably not necessary).

Take a big step forward into a forward lunge (remember to push through the heel of the front leg).  Return to starting position.*

Next take a big step out to the side into a side lunge (the leg that you step out with will be bent, the other leg straight - you'll feel a nice inner thigh stretch on that straight leg).  Return to starting position.*

Now take a big step back into a reverse lunge (remember to push through the front heel).  Return to starting position.*

Finally step back and diagonally into a curtsy lunge (if you're stepping back with the left leg, it will land behind and to the right of the right leg).  Return to start position.*

Now start from the beginning, but this time do 2 of each lunge (ie forward lunge, return to starting position and do a second forward lunge, then repeat for side lunge, reverse lunge and curtsy lunge), then 3 on the next set, then 4....see where this is going?  Try to get up to 10 of each lunge for a super, delicious burn! :)

*instead of returning to the starting position where you're standing on both legs, you could just bring the leg back to the starting position, but don't touch down (ie balance on supporting leg).

Leave a comment and let me know if you felt that :)

Need a more detailed explanation?  E-mail me at

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