Sunday, November 27, 2011

Healthy Chips!

The 99th Grey Cup is happening right now!  Am I a football fan?  Not really, but snacks tend to go hand in hand with such sporting events and I am a HUGE snack fan!

Most snacks associated with sitting on the couch watching TV are not healthy.  Why poison your body when you can have a healthy alternative that's just as satisfying?  Here's what I make when I'm craving chips:

Take a sweet potato and slice it up really thin.  Lay the slices out on a baking sheet and drizzle on some healthy oil (I like grape seed or coconut because they can withstand high heat without being destroyed).  Add some spices - whatever you like!  I like a bit of sea salt, pepper and curry.  Then throw them in the oven at 350 degrees for a few minutes (I suggest keeping an eye on them so they don't burn).  You end up with a delicious, crunchy snack that's good for you!  (These can also be done in a frying pan on top of the stove if you prefer, but they tend to crisp up better in the oven).

Enjoy your snack without any guilt :)

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