Tuesday, November 22, 2011

10 Minute Workout


Only have 10 minutes to spare for a workout?  No problem!  Do the following 10 exercises for 1 minute each for a nice calorie burning session that's only 10 minutes long.  Remember, since it's short, work at your maximum intensity with proper form! 

Got time for more?  Repeat the circuit as many times as you like!  Just remember to warm-up for about 5 minutes before you start (5 minute brisk walk will get the blood flowing) and stretch after!

Here we go:

Warm up 5 minutes before starting

1. Squats (make it a jump squat for more intensity)
2. Push-ups (from knees or toes, but start from your toes first to see if you can do it!)
3. Alternating lunges (make it a plyo lunge for more intensity)
4. Burpees! (high or low impact.  If going all the way down to the ground is too much, do them off your      couch or coffee table)
5. 1 leg dead lift (touch the ground to make it more intense)
6. 1 leg dead lift on other leg
7. High knees (up to hip level and do them fast!  Low impact if it's better for you)
8. Punches (feet about hip width apart, picture someone/something that frustrates you and go for it!)
9. Bicycle crunches (keep knees bent if you have back issues)
10. Alternating super heroes

Cool down and stretch - done and done!

If you need any detailed explanations of any of the exercises please contact me at info@wholeyfit.ca

Want to set up some sessions?  Check out http://www.wholeyfit.ca/Pricing.html for packages for small group or one on one training.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome quick workout! Gave me the burn I was looking for in a very short amount of time!
