Monday, August 01, 2011

Find Motivation

This past Sunday I was supposed to ride up Seymour with my riding group.  I got up Sunday morning and felt too tired to even keep my eyes open and didn't really feel that well.  I ended up cancelling and going back to bed for about 7 hours - guess I needed some rest.  I tried to talk myself into going, but just couldn't find the motivation to do so.

For me it's not a huge deal when I lose motivation every now and then.  My job insures that I will be back in the game the next day - whether I want to or not :)  Thank goodness for my job, because it's really easy to lose sight of your goals and lose your motivation to go on.  We all know that once you get off the fitness train it's really hard to get back on!

Are you struggling right now?  If you are try this exercise:
1. Write down your goals - be specific.  If it's pounds you want to lose,
how many?  If it's inches, how many and from where?  If it's muscle you
want to put on, where exactly on your body do you want that muscle?

2.  Now ask yourself why you want this and write down AT LEAST 5 reasons why.

3.  Now describe yourself in detail as this new ideal version of yourself.
How will you look, how will you feel, what will change in your life (ie
will you participate in more things, travel more, date more, be more
outgoing, feel more confident?), how will people react
to you?  Be as detailed as possible - really picture yourself and your
life once you've achieved your goal - describe it like you're already there.

Once you've done this read it everyday AT LEAST once.  Some good times to
read it are right when you get up to set the day off on the right track,
right before you do something you know isn't good for you (ie drinking pop -diet or otherwise,
eating that entire pie, skipping your workout) and right before bed.  The more you put
it in your mind the more you'll work on it both consciously and subconsciously.

There it is.  I hope that helps you. 

Now here's how you can help me: tell me where you find your motivation and what you do when that motivation starts to slip away.

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