Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Get Rid of Heart Burn

I was watching The Doctors earlier today and they were talking about heart burn (acid reflux).  Many people have a problem with this - it's that burning feeling coming up your throat that you sometimes get after eating a meal (especially after an unhealthy high fat meal). 

When people get this they often reach for the antacids or other medication.  These medications are meant for occasional use only and some people are taking them on a regular basis to deal with their horrible eating habits (remind you of any commercials?  'Eat all the junk you want and then just pop an antacid to deal with the discomfort'.  If your food is causing you discomfort, don't eat it!).  Did you know that people taking too much of these medications have a higher incidence of anemia, osteoporosis and hip fractures?  What on earth is that medication doing to our insides??

So now you're probably asking 'well what am I supposed to do?  Just suffer?'.  One thing you can and should do is eat a healthier diet - keep saturated fats low and absolutely NO trans fats.  Develop a taste for healthy natural foods - not only will your heart burn go away, you'll have way more energy.

I know that we don't always eat what's best for us though.  So what do you do if you've had a not so healthy meal and you're suffering from heart burn?  Eat an apple.  That's right!  An apple!  Clears it right up.

A while back I heard about this from a guy on the Internet (I wish I could remember who because I'd love to give him credit - his dad suffered from horrible acid reflux and his quality of life was greatly diminished because of it.  Apples literally saved his life.).  I was curious if it really worked.  The next time my boyfriend had heart burn I told him to try eating an apple.  He tried it and it worked!!  We now always keep apples on hand.

How awesome is that?  So the next time you get a little heart burn go get an apple and get ready for sweet relief :)

Got any natural cures you'd like to share?  Comment below.

1 comment:

  1. People who are suffering from such problems are taking medicine to get soon reflex .Some time taking medicine is good but excess of anything is wrong, these are meant for occasional use only. People taking too much of these medications have a higher incidence of anemia, osteoporosis and hip fractures. In this blog some wonderful remedies are given by reading this blog you will come to know about their benefits and you will surely get rid from it and can also save yourself from other new born problems too.

